The Dangers of Launderable Microfiber
Water & Energy Consumption
The laundering process and transportation of laundered microfiber requires vast amounts of energy and water. Effective laundering requires approximately 3 gallons of fresh water per 1 pound of microfiber.
Harmful Dying Process
Reusable microfiber is usually dyed dark to hide residual dirt and grime following the laundering process. Studies show that dyeing one ton of reusable microfiber textiles can require as much as 200 tons of water.
Plastic Microfiber Pollution
Laundering microfiber and other synthetic fabrics can shed tens of thousands of microplastic particles into the ocean and other natural environments per wash, causing a ripple effect of devistating repercussions.
Discover More Info
Laying the foundation for a more sustainable future requires a group effort. Lighthouse EIP is proud to offer infection prevention solutions that promote environmental sustainability and the future health of our planet.
Learn more about our efforts here.
Partnership with Green Sports Alliance
Lighthouse EIP is thrilled to be the newest Corporate Member of Green Sports Alliance, the environmentally-focused trade organization that convenes stakeholders from all around the sporting world — teams, leagues, conferences, venues, corporate partners, governmental agencies, athletes, and fans — to promote healthy, sustainable communities around sports.
Learn more about our partnership here.
Ideas & Recommendations
We’re constantly looking for new ways to promote environmental sustainability both within our own organization and around the world.
If you have ideas or suggestions for new ways we can make an impact, we’d love to hear them! Please contact us here.
Ready to Get in Touch?
Lighthouse EIP is thrilled to be an industry leader in sustainability-focussed environmental infection prevention.
To learn more about our sustainable solutions, or to place an order, please contact us.